Welcome to MinerWerks' UTTERLY USELESS RADIO

Remember when internet radio was free?

UTTERLY USELESS RADIO debuted on Live365.com with some rare tunes from the MinerWerks CD collection.
With the recent ruling that required royalties be paid for broadcasting of songs over the internet, the show was pulled off the air.

But here you can check out some of the original material created for the broadcast.

First up, we have the sound-montage theme music, edited in Pro-Tools.
  • Utterly Useless Radio Theme (mp3 )
Next are some of the bits played between songs. In the radio industry, these might be considered "drops" or "bumpers."
  • Tap Water  (mp3)
  • Cheese  (mp3)
  • Useless  (mp3)
  • Retsyn (mp3)
Finally, here's an amusing commercial I created for a college course. Decent joke, so-so execution.
  • Greatest Hits of the Weather Channel  (mp3)